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All of our members participate in internships, cooperative community experiences or competitive employment. Local businesses provide job training and skill development. Feedback is shared with the vocational coordinator and job specialist. Members meet regularly with their vocational counselor to discuss goals and employer feedback.
Food Service
Child Care / Elder Care
Cooperating Worksites include:
Ken's Krew / Home Depot
Stony Brook Hospital
Suffolk County Department of Social Services
Party Glitters
Party City
TJ Maxx
Holiday Inn Express
Hilton Garden Inn
Stop & Shop
Service Coordination
In preparation for competitive employment, members and their families are advised about Federal and State funding, resources, and employment supports. The New York State Department of Adult Career and Continuing Education Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCESS-VR) and/or The Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) are examples of eligibility-based referrals that are typically discussed.
Medicaid waiver and Self-Direction
You may be able to use your Medicaid self-direction funds towards the transition tuition at Giant Step (Step 1). Self-direction families should check with their broker.
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